Categories: Data Modeling Tools

Creating a Logical Data Model using Erwin

How to create a Logical Data Model using Erwin 4.1.4 version?

In the following section, a simple example with a step by step procedure to create a logical data model with two entities and their relationship are explained in detail.

1: Open All Fusion Erwin Data Modeler software.

2: Select the view as “Logical” from the drop-down list. By default, logical will be your workplace.

3: Click New from File menu. Select the option “Logical/Physical” from the displayed wizard. Click Ok.

4: To create an Entity, click the icon “Entity” and drop it on the workplace. By default E/1 will be displayed as the entity name. Change it to “Country”.

5: To create an Attribute, Place the cursor on the entity “Country” and right click it. From the displayed menu, click attributes which will take you to the attribute wizard. Click “New” button on the wizard and type attribute name as “Country Code”. Select the data type as “String” and click OK. Select the option Primary Key to identify attribute “Country Code” as the primary key. Follow the same approach and create another attribute “Country Name” without selecting the primary key option. Click ok, and now you will be having 2 attributes Country Code, and Country Name under the entity “Country” in the current logical workplace.

6: Create another entity “Bank” with two attributes namely Bank Code and Bank Name by following steps 4 and 5.

7: In order to relate these two tables country, bank, a Foreign Key relationship must be created. To create a Foreign Key relationship, follow these steps.

(a) Click the symbol “Non Identifying Relationship”.
(b) Place the cursor on the entity “Country”.
(c) Place the cursor on the entity “Bank”. Now you can see the relationship(a line drawn from Bank to Country) between “Country” and “Bank”. Double click on that relationship line to open “Relationships wizard” and change the option from “Nulls Allowed” to “No Nulls” since bank should have a country code.

The Logical Data Model created by following the above steps looks similar to the following diagram.


Next⇒ Creating a Physical Data Model using Erwin



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