With a simple example of designing a data model with “employee related information”, most of the data structures can be easily understood. So we will try to design a data model using the sample data given below and will explain the data modeler’s involvement in the database environment.
First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | SSN | Gender | Birth Date | Salary | Dept No | Dept Desc |
Melinda | J | Schipper | 765-43-21 | Female | 20-APR-1973 | 5000 | ||
Kevin | A | Schulte | 123-45-67 | Male | 13-OCT-1969 | 5000 | 10 | IT |
Note: If you go through our topics provided under the Data Modelling Section, you will have a brief idea about how to design a data model.
Please proceed to next page for sample data analysis.
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