For the sample data provided in the previous page table, as a Data Modeler you have to design logical data model, physical data model and generate DDL scripts. In order to do the above tasks, you need to create the following:
Entity Name | Table Name | Attribute Name | Column Name | Datatype | Null Option | Primary Key | Foreign Key |
Gender Lookup | GENDER_LKP | Gender Code | GNDR_CD | VARCHAR2(10) | NOT NULL | Yes | No |
Gender Lookup | GENDER_LKP | Gender Description | GNDR_DESC | VARCHAR2(50) | NOT NULL | No | No |
Gender Lookup | GENDER_LKP | DateTime Stamp | DTTM_STMP | DATE | NOT NULL | No | No |
Entity Name | Table Name | Attribute Name | Column Name | Data Type | Null Option | P Key | F Key |
Department Lookup | DEPARTMENT_LKP | Department Number | DPTMT_NUM | NUMBER(2) | NOT NULL | Yes | No |
Department Lookup | DEPARTMENT_LKP | Department Description | DPTMT_DESC | VARCHAR2(50) | NOT NULL | No | No |
Department Lookup | DEPARTMENT_LKP | DateTime Stamp | DTTM_STMP | DATE | NOT NULL | No | No |
Entity Name | Table Name | Attribute Name | Column Name | Data Type | Null Option | Primary Key | Foreign Key |
Employee Detail | EMPLOYEE_DTL | Employee Detail Identifier | EMP_DTL_ID | NUMBER | NOT NULL | Yes | No |
Employee Detail | EMPLOYEE_DTL | Department Number | DPTMT_NUM | NUMBER(2) | NULL | No | Yes |
Employee Detail | EMPLOYEE_DTL | Gender Code | GNDR_CD | VARCHAR2(10) | NOT NULL | No | Yes |
Employee Detail | EMPLOYEE_DTL | First Name | FRST_NM | VARCHAR2(30) | NOT NULL | No | No |
Employee Detail | EMPLOYEE_DTL | Last Name | LST_NM | VARCHAR2(30) | NOT NULL | No | No |
Employee Detail | EMPLOYEE_DTL | Middle Name | MDLE_NM | VARCHAR2(30) | NULL | No | No |
Employee Detail | EMPLOYEE_DTL | SSN | SSN | VARCHAR2(11) | NOT NULL | No | No |
Employee Detail | EMPLOYEE_DTL | Birth Date | BRTH_DT | DATE | NOT NULL | No | No |
Employee Detail | EMPLOYEE_DTL | Salary Amount | SLRY_AMT | NUMBER(7,2) | NOT NULL | No | No |
Employee Detail | EMPLOYEE_DTL | DateTime Stamp | DTTM_STMP | DATE | NOT NULL | No | No |
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