Modeling DW and Data Mart

Fact Table

Fact Table | Star Schema: The centralized table in a star schema is called as FACT table. A fact table…

10 years ago

Designing Snowflake Schema

Snowflake Schema: A snowflake schema is a term that describes a star schema structure normalized through the use of outrigger…

10 years ago

Designing Star Schema

Star Schema: General Information In general, an organization is started to earn money by selling a product or by providing…

10 years ago

Time Dimension

In a relational data model, for normalization purposes, year lookup, quarter lookup, month lookup, and week lookups are not merged…

10 years ago

Organization Dimension

In a relational data model, for normalization purposes, corporate office lookup, region lookup, branch lookup, and employee lookups are not…

10 years ago

Product Dimension

In a relational data model, for normalization purposes, product category lookup, product sub-category lookup, product lookup, and and product feature…

10 years ago

Dimension Tables

Dimension Table: Dimension table is one that describe the business entities of an enterprise, represented as hierarchical, categorical information such as…

10 years ago

Data Warehouse and Data Mart

A Data Warehouse is a relational/multidimensional database that is designed for query and analysis rather than transaction processing. A data…

10 years ago