SQL Server – Online training course, Classes, Practical sessions

SQL Server’s T-SQL Training with Agile and Data Modeling

Online Training Start Date : 9th January, 2023

Course Start Date: Training will be provided as per your convenient time slots! Please call us at 91-9080157239 for more details!

Email: AntonysTrainingandSolution@gmail.com

Chapter 1: Introduction about Data, Column, Datatype, Record, PK, FK

  • How to install SQL Server Management Studio?
  • How to install SQL Server Express Edition?
  • What is a database?
  • How to Backup / Delete / Recover a SQL Server Database?
  • How to Export / Import Data from SQL server?
  • How to Detach / Attach a Database?
  • What is Server Login / Database User / Schema / Role / Privileges?
  • What is Data?
  • What is a column?
  • What is a datatype?
  • What is a record?
  • What is a table?
  • What is primary key?
  • What is composite primary key?
  • What is a foreign key?
  • What is composite foreign key?
  • What is a schema?

Chapter 2: Introduction to SDLC, Waterfall Methodology, Agile Methodology

  • Introduction to Software Development Life Cycle.
  • What is Waterfall methodology?
  • What is Agile methodology?
    • Scrum Model
    • What is Product Catalog?
    • What is Sprint Catalog?
    • What is Project Team?
    • Who is Product Owner?
    • Scrum Development Team
    • Scrum Master
    • What is Sprint Planning?
    • What is Daily Scrum?
    • What is Sprint Review?
    • What is Sprint Retrospective?
    • What is Product Backlog Refinement?

Chapter 3: Introduction to Database and Application:

  • What is a Server?
  • Introduction to SQL Databases
  • What is a Client?
  • What is an Application?
  • What is a Desktop Application?
  • What is a Browser Based Application?
  • What is a Mobile Based Application?
  • What is Client Server Architecture?

Chapter 4: Data Analysis:

  • Introduction to Data Analysis from RDBMS perspective
  • Introduction to Data Profiling from RDBMS perspective

Chapter 5: Introduction to SQL Server Environment:

  • Basic Features, Components and Tools
  • How to start and stop SQL Server Instances and Services
  • Introduction to Management Studio
  • Types of System Databases in SQL
  • How to create a database?

Chapter 6: Data Definition Language (DDL):


  • What is a datatype?
  • Different types of datatypes


  • How to Create / Alter / Drop Table (column, datatype)
  • How to truncate a Table?


  • How to Create / DROP NULL and NOT NULL?
  • How to Create / Drop Primary Keys and Composite Primary Keys?
  • How to Create / Drop Foreign key Constraints?
  • How to Create / Drop Unique Constraint and Composite Unique Constraint?
  • How to Create / Drop Check Constraints?

Chapter 7: Data Manipulation Language (DML):

  • How to insert, delete and update date in a table?

Chapter 8: Data Query Language (DQL):

  • What is ANSI SQL?
  • What is T-SQL?

How Select Statements are used in OLTP and OLAP environment:

  • How to frame a Select Statement on all columns?
  • How to frame a Select Statement on few columns?
  • What is WHERE clause? How to select all records and few records?
  • How to use different conditions in where clause?
  • How to sort and unsort the data?
  • How to use Boolean operators in where clause?
  • How to use Arithmetic operators in where clause?
  • How to use IN operator in where clause?
  • How to use comparison operator in where clause?
  • How to use NULL and NOT NULL in the where clause?
  • How to use predefined (default) functions?
  • How to use set operators like UNIION and Intersect?
  • How to use Mathematical Functions?
  • How to use Character Functions?
  • How to use Advanced Functions?
  • How to use Date Functions?

Group Functions:

  • What is Grouping the data? And where it will be useful?
  • How to use group function MIN, MAX, SUM, AVG, COUNT
  • What is HAVING clause?
  • How to combine GROUP by and HAVING?


  • What is a Sub Query?
  • What is a Nested Query?
  • What is Inner Query?
  • What is Outer Query?
  • What is co-related Sub Query?


  • Inner Join or Simple Join
  • Right Outer Join
  • Left Outer Join
  • Full Outer Join

Chapter 9: NOSQL Databases:

  • Introduction to NoSQL Databases

Chapter 10: Normalization and E/R Diagram through Oracle’s SQL Developer Data Modeler:

  • What is Normalization?
  • What is Denormalization?
  • How to analyze the requirement?
  • How to find out entities and relationships through Normalization Techniques (1NF, 2NF, 3NF)?
  • How to draw E-R (Entity Relationship Diagram)? – One to One, One to many, Many to Many, Self-Referential Integrity (Recursive), Cardinality and Optionality.

Chapter 11: About Data Model:

  • Explanation of a Logical Data Model
  • Explanation of a Physical Data Model
  • How ER data (Normalized Data) is converted into Tables?
  • Explanation of Dimensional Data Model
  • What is OLTP environment?
  • What is OLAP environment?

Chapter 12: Duties and Responsibilities of a SQL Developer:

  • What is Role?
  • What is Level?
  • What is a duty?
  • What is a responsibility?
  • What are the duties and responsibilities of a SQL Developer?

Chapter 13: Introduction to Big Data:

  • HDFS
  • MapReduce
  • Hadoop
  • Hive
  • Pig Script
  • Yarn
  • ZooKeeper
  • Tez
  • Spark
  • Storm
  • MongoDB
  • HBase
  • MySQL
  • Cassandra

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