Data Modeling Development Cycle

Data Modeling Development Cycle Following are the important phases in the Data Model Development Life Cycle. Gathering Business Requirements Conceptual Data Modeling Logical Data Modeling Physical Data Modeling Development of the schema or the database Maintenance of the data model as per the changes. 1. Gathering Business Requirements – First Phase: Data Modelers have to…

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Data Model Repository

What is a Data Model Repository?  A data modeling repository is a storage area, where metadata of a data model is stored. The data stored is different from the software perspective, organization’s perspective and usage perspective. Repository can be stored any where; either in a data base or locally within any system. Example: ETL Repository…

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Data Modeling Reports

From Data Modeling tools, reports can be easily generated for technical and business needs. The reports that have been generated from logical data model and physical data model are called as business reports and technical reports respectively. Most of the data modeling tools provide default reports like subject area reports, entity reports, attribute reports, table…

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