Video Tutorial 1:
What is a Data Model and Data Modeler Responsibilities?
What’s in it: Data Model, High Level Data Modeler Responsibilities along with images of a conceptual data model, logical data model and physical Data Model is explained using Erwin Data Modeling Tool.
Video Tutorial 2:
Explain Data Modeling Development Life Cycle?
What’s in it: This question is asked by the Interviewers. Our video explains step by step process in Data Modeling Development Life Cycle. This life cycle is common for RDMS Data Modeling and Dimensional Data Modeling.
Video Tutorial 3:
What is an ER Diagram?
What’s in it: ER Diagram also know as Erwin Relationship Diagram is explained with a data model created by using Erwin Data Modeling Tool. Primary Key Constraint, Composite Primary Key Constraint, Foreign Key Constraint, Composite Foreign Key Constraint are explained here in this Data Modeling Video Tutorial.
Video Tutorial 4:
What is a Conceptual Data Model?
What’s in it: This is the first phase in designing the data model in the Data Modeling Development Life and is explained in Detail with image of Erwin Data Model.
Video Tutorial 5:
What is a Logical Data Model?
What’s in it: The is second phase in designing the data model in the Data Modeling Development Life Cycle and is explained in details
Video Tutorial 6:
What is the difference between a Logical Data Model and Physical Data Model?
What’s in it: The differences between Logical Data Model and Physical Data Model is tabulated and explained with the help of a data model created from the Erwin Tool.
Video Tutorial 7:
What is an Entity and Attribute?
What’s in it: Entity and Attribute are explained with a Diagram.
Video Tutorial 8:
What is Identifying and Non-Identifying Relationship?
What’s in it: Identifying and Non-Identifying Relationship are explained with the help of a small data model drawn from Erwin Data Modeling Tool. Difference between those two are also explained.
Video Tutorial 9:
What is Forward Engineering & What is Reverse Engineering?
What’s in it: Forward Engineering, Reverse Engineering, SuperType and SubType are explained.
Video Tutorial 10:
What is Data Model Meta Data & Data Model Repository
What’s in it: Data Model Meta Data & Data Model Repository are explained in this video tutorial.
Video Tutorial 11:
What is the process to create a Data WareHouse Schema and What are the steps involved in designing the data mart?
What’s in it: This video explains important points in designing the Data Mart and Data Warehouse Schema.
Video Tutorial 12:
What is Dimensional Data Model and a Star Schema?
What’s in it: This video explains the basics of Dimensional Data Model and Schema with OLA use case as the example.
Video Tutorial 13:
What is ETL? / What is Datawarehouse? / What is DataMart?
What’s in it: Basics of ETL, Datawarehouse and Datamart are explained in this Data Modeling Video Tutorial.
Video Tutorial 14:
What is Check Constraint? / What is a Sequence? / What is an Index?
What’s in it: Brief explanation of Check Constraint, Sequence, and Index is explained. Also NULL values in Unique constraint are explained. The above topic is an important question in the Data Modeling Interview..
Video Tutorial 15:
What is OLTP Data Modeling? / What are the different types of constraints? / What is an Unique Constraint?
What’s in it: Brief explanation about OLTP data modeling and constraint. This is an important question in Data Modeling Interview.
Video Tutorial 16:
What is a Foreign Key Constraint? / What is a composite Foreign Key constraint?
What’s in it: Foreign Key Constraint is explained in a detailed manner by taking an example from IBM.
Video Tutorial 17:
Erwin Data Modeling Interview Questions – Part 1
What’s in it:
This video helps with the list of interview questions that can be asked in creating :
Conceptual data model by Erwin.
Logical data model by Erwin.
Physical data model by Erwin.
Video Tutorial 18:
Dimensional Data Modeling Interview Questions – Part 1
What’s in it:
These Dimensional Data Modeling Questions are related to Data Warehouse and Data Mart.
When you work as an ETL developer or BI developer, these questions will be asked in the interview.