Business Process Management | BPM

Business Process Management:

Business Process Management, a set of activities, is essential for a new or existing business in a way that it helps an organization to optimize current business processes and future organizational and operational changes.

Any service or a particular product is the result of execution of series of related tasks or activities in a successful manner. In business terms, these tasks or activities are individually called as Business Process/business processes. These business processes help an organization to achieve it’s goals efficiently.

Business Process Management helps to automate, monitor, analyze business processes and helps an organization to achieve it’s targeted profit. There are plenty of tools available to evaluate business processes and to create new business models. Follow the below links to read more.

Business process management is done with the help of different tools that help in capturing, modeling, designing, integrating, deploying, testing, measuring and maintaining several business activities. The success or failure of each company depends on how good or bad it is able to manage the entire life cycle of its processes.

Need for Business Process Management:

  • To plan for a new business or for a new change in the business.
  • To avoid the common mistakes that happens in a project.
  • To document business processes in a common language to help IT and non-IT team members.
  • To draw business modeling and data modeling diagrams and to capture business rules in a way we want them.
  • To implement enterprise architecture or enterprise integration architecture (EAI) or ETL architecture.
  • To measure data by using business intelligence tools.
  • To enhance business to business transactions.


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