Data Modeling Interview Questions

General Questions:

  • Have you exported objects from the data model to different database? What is the use of it?
  • What is aggregated data and why do you need aggregated data?
  • What is the role of a logical data modeler and physical data modeler?
  • How do you gather requirements for creating data model?
  • What is the naming convention you follow?
  • What are the different notations that can be used?
  • What is Cardinality?
  • What is identifying and non identifying relationship?
  • Why do you need phrases in a data model?
  • Have you generated reports for data models? Why do you need reports from data model?
  • How you will recover if data modeling file is corrupted?
  • What is Meta data? What kind of Meta data do you capture in a data model?
  • Explain a difficult situation in data modeling and how did you resolve it?

Logical Data Modeling Questions:

  • What is logical data modeling?
  • What is conceptual data modeling? Why do you need that?
  • What is enterprise data modeling? Why do you need that?
  • What is relational data modeling? When you will use relational data modeling?
  • When you will go for relational data modeling?
  • What is OLTP?
  • What is OLAP data modeling?
  • What is dimensional data modeling?
  • What is a dimension?
  • What is a slowly changing dimension? What are the types of slowly changing dimension? Which one you will use it?
  • What is super type and sub type? Where you will use in logical or physical data model? If you generate the super type and sub type structure it in a database, what are the consequences?
  • What is Star Schema? When you use Star Schema?
  • What is Snow Flake? When you will use Snow Flake Schema?
  • What is the difference between Snow Flake and Star Schema?
  • Can you compare logical data model with data base? How?
  • How you will find out the difference between the logical data models created previous month and current month?
  • What is Data Ware House?
  • What is Data Mart?
  • What is the difference between data ware house and data mart?

Physical Data Modeling Questions:

  • What is physical data modeling?
  • What is the difference between logical and physical data modeling?
  • Can you compare physical data model with data base? How?
  • How version controlling is done in a data model?


One thought on “Data Modeling Interview Questions

  1. it is obvious that there are three types of schema architecture.
    they are :- a) external schema
    b) conceptual schema
    c) internal schema
    —>logical data modeling is the concept related with changing the conceptual schema data model with out changing the external schema.
    —>physical data modeling is changing the internal schema with out changing the the conceptual schema.

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