ETL Testing – Part 3

System Testing:

This environment integrates the various components and runs as a single unit. This should include sequences of events that enable those different components to run as a single unit and validate the data flow.

  • Verify all the required functionality in the validation environment.
  • Run end-to-end system test.
  • Record initialization and incremental load statistics.
  • Perform and mitigate performance of the entire system.
  • Verify error-handling processes are working as designed.
  • Finalized Implementation Checklist.
  • All integration testing complete.
  • Migration from the Test environment to the validation environment, as applicable.
  • Production configuration and data available.

Regression Testing:

Regression Testing is performed after the developer fixes a defect reported. This testing is to verify whether the identified defects are fixed and fixing of these defects does not introduce any other new defects in the system / application. This testing will also be performed when a Change Request is implemented on an existing production system. After the Change Request (CR) is approved, the testing team takes the impact analysis as input for designing the test cases for the CR.

  • Finalized Implementation Checklist.
  • All integration testing complete.

Performance Testing:

To determine the system performance under a particular workload / Service Level Agreement (SLA).Ensures system meets the performance criteria and it can detect bottle neck.

Types of Performance Testing are Load, Stress, Volume etc.


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