Manual and Automated Testing

What is Manual and Automated Testing in Software Testing?

Manual Testing:

In a web based email application, a manual tester tests the application based on test data, test scenarios provided in TEST CASE document and doesn’t use any automation tools.


For the login page, a manual tester will be testing the following and verify whether there are any defects in the screen.

  • URL of the login page: When the URL is typed in the web browser, whether it navigates to the right page.
  • Whether the login page contains username, password fields and LOG IN button.
  • By typing incorrect information in the username or password or username/password and clicking the LOG IN button.
  • By providing no information in username/password.
  • By typing correct information in username and password fields.

If there are any defects, then the tester will record the information in a Test Management Tool. Example (HP’s QUALITY CENTER; previously called as TEST DIRECTOR). Until the defect is closed, the tester will follow up with other teams and close it. Note: Closing of a defect depends upon the priority of the issue.

Automated Testing:

Testing done by using software without human intervention is called automated testing. Functionality Testing and non-Functionality testing can be done with the help of these tools.

When you type or in the web browser, at times, these pages will not open quickly. Either it will be delayed or it will not open at all. The reason is that it is not able to withstand the load.

Load Testing/Stress: In this testing, the automated tool creates “n” (example: One Million users) number of virtual users and concurrently these user will login to the email application. If all users are able to login correctly and access the information, then everything looks okay. If there is a time delay or some errors or if it doesn’t open, then the tester figures out that the email application is not able to withstand the load/stress.

Volume Testing: To determine whether the system can handle huge volumes of data. Here the automated software enters data.

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