Relational Data Modeling Tutorial

Relational (OLTP) Data Modeling:

Relational Data Model is a data model that views the real world as entities and relationships.

Entities are concepts, real or abstract about which information is collected. Entities are associated with each other by relationship and attributes are properties of entities.

Business rules would determine the relationship between each of entities in a data model.

The goal of relational data model is to normalize (avoid redundancy)data and to present it in a good normal form.

While working with relational data modeling, a data modeler has to understand 1st normal form through 5th normal form to design a good data model.

Following are some of the questions that arise during the development of entity relationship data model. A complete business and data analysis would lead to design a good data model.

  • What will be the future scope of the data model? How to normalize the data?
  • How to group attributes in entities?
  • How to name entities, attributes, keys groups, relationships?
  • How to connect one entity to other? What sort of relationship is that?
  • How to validate the data?
  • How to normalize the data?
  • How to present reports?

Next: Relational Data Modeling Example

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