
Business Process Modeling

Business process modeling is a collection or group of related activities or business processes that produce a specific service or product. Business processes are visually represented as diagrams of simple box with arrow graphics and text labels, better known as Business Process Models. Business Process Modeling Overview: Business Process Modeling (IDEF0) is the first step…

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Business | Data Modeling Types

Modeling: Modeling is an efficient and effective way to represent the organization’s needs; It provides information in a graphical way to the members of an organization to understand and communicate the business rules and processes. Business Modeling and Data Modeling are the two important types of modeling. Business Modeling Types: Business Process Modeling:  Business Process Modeling…

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How to create a physical data model from a logical data model using Embarcadero’s Data Architect?

We are focusing to create this physical data model with oracle as the database. So we have selected oracle 12c as the database. Open existing logical data model “02_LDM_creating_entity_version2”. Click menu Model/Generate Physical Model. A small screen will appear. Click ok. A new screen is opened. There are 5 steps in this process. We are…

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How to add identifying, non-identifying, self-recursive relationship in ER Studio Data Architect?

Now, we are going to make changes to the previously created data model. So create another file LDM_creating_entity_version2. Open the previous data model “LDM_creating_entity_version1” and click menu file/save as “LDM_creating_entity_version2”. How to add entity and attributes in ER Studio Data Architect: Add the following attributes to “Employee” Entity. Place the cursor in attribute section of…

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How To Create A Logical Data Model In ER Studio Data Architect?

The following example has been created from the Embarcadero’s product ER/Studio Data Architect, Version 10.0. You can find different products in the URL http://www.embarcadero.com/products. For more information, please visit http://www.embarcadero.com. ER/Studio Data Architect is a powerful Data Modeling tool with several applications. You can create either relational data model or dimensional data model from Embarcadero’s ER/Studio…

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Data Modeling Frequently Asked Interview Questions And Answers – Part 1

The following data modeling questions and answers are conceptual questions that are asked during the data modeler interview.  1. What is data modeling? A data model is a conceptual representation of business requirement (logical data model) or database objects (physical) required for a database and are very powerful in expressing and communicating the business requirements…

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