ETL Tools – What to Learn?

ETL Tools: What to Learn?

With the help of ETL tools, we can create powerful target Data Warehouses without much difficulty. Following are the various options that we have to know and learn in order to use ETL tools.


  • How to install ETL tool on server/client?

Working with an ETL Tool:

  • How to work with various options like designer, mapping, workflow, scheduling etc.,?
  • How to work with sources like DBMS, relational source databases, files, ERPs etc., and import the source definitions?
  • How to import data from data modeling tools, applications etc.,?
  • How to work with targets like DBMS, relational source databases, files, ERPs etc., and import the source definitions?
  • How to create target definitions?
  • How to create mappings between source definitions and target definitions?
  • How to create transformations?
  • How to cleanse the source data?
  • How to create a dimension, slowly changing dimensions, cube etc.,?
  • How to create and monitor workflows?
  • How to configure, monitor and run debugger?
  • How to view and generate metadata reports?


3 thoughts on “ETL Tools – What to Learn?

  1. Its very useful site to learn about data modeling and DWH. Would like to get idea about Machine learning. If possible, please send the tutorials.

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