Dimension Tables

Dimension Table:

Dimension table is one that describe the business entities of an enterprise, represented as hierarchical, categorical information such as time, departments, locations, and products. Dimension tables are sometimes called lookup or reference tables.

Location Dimension:

In a relational data modeling, for normalization purposes, country lookup, state lookup, county lookup, and city lookups are not merged as a single table. In a dimensional data modeling(star schema), these tables would be merged as a single table called LOCATION DIMENSION for performance and slicing data requirements. This location dimension helps to compare the sales in one region with another region. We may see good sales profit in one region and loss in another region. If it is a loss, the reasons for that may be a new competitor in that area, or failure of our marketing strategy etc.

Example of Location Dimension:
Example of Location Dimension
Country Lookup:
Country CodeCountry NameDateTimeStamp
USAUnited States Of America1/1/2005 11:23:31 AM
State Lookup:
State CodeState NameDateTimeStamp
NYNew York1/1/2005 11:23:31 AM
FLFlorida1/1/2005 11:23:31 AM
CACalifornia1/1/2005 11:23:31 AM
NJNew Jersey1/1/2005 11:23:31 AM
County Lookup:
County CodeCounty NameDateTimeStamp
NYSHShelby1/1/2005 11:23:31 AM
FLJEJefferson1/1/2005 11:23:31 AM
CAMOMontgomery1/1/2005 11:23:31 AM
NJHUHudson1/1/2005 11:23:31 AM
City Lookup:
City CodeCity NameDateTimeStamp
NYSHMAManhattan1/1/2005 11:23:31 AM
FLJEPCPanama City1/1/2005 11:23:31 AM
CAMOSHSan Hose1/1/2005 11:23:31 AM
NJHUJCJersey City1/1/2005 11:23:31 AM
Location Dimension:
Location Dimension IdCountry NameState NameCounty NameCity NameDateTimeStamp
Dimension Id
1USANew YorkShelbyManhattan1/1/2005 11:23:31 AM
2USAFloridaJeffersonPanama City1/1/2005 11:23:31 AM
3USACaliforniaMontgomerySan Hose1/1/2005 11:23:31 AM
4USANew JerseyHudsonJersey City1/1/2005 11:23:31 AM

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