
ETL Tools – What to Learn?

ETL Tools: What to Learn? With the help of ETL tools, we can create powerful target Data Warehouses without much difficulty. Following are the various options that we have to know and learn in order to use ETL tools. Software: How to install ETL tool on server/client? Working with an ETL Tool: How to work…

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ETL Tools

What are ETL Tools? ETL Tools are meant to extract, transform and load the data into Data Warehouse for decision making. Before the evolution of ETL Tools, the above mentioned ETL process was done manually by using SQL code created by programmers. This task was tedious and cumbersome in many cases since it involved many…

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Differences between Mobile Native Apps and Mobile Web Apps

What is a Mobile Application? Mobile applications are applications created by companies, developers to do a specific task(for a specific use). These applications are called as mobile native applications or mobile web based applications. These applications either run on mobile devices (native apps) or on websites (mobile web apps). Mobile Application Types: Uses of Mobile…

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What is Mobile Ecosystem?

Mobile Ecosystem: Mobile Ecosystem is collection of multiple devices (mobile phones, Tablet, Phablet etc), software (operating system, development tools, testing tools etc.), companies (device manufacturers, carrier, apps stores, development/testing companies, etc.) etc., and the process by which data (sms, bank transactions etc.), is transferred/shared by a user from one device to another device or by…

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Mobile Applications Introduction

Mobile Applications Introduction: Earlier, Mobile phones were introduced into the market with calling facility and minimum features (calculator, calendar, phone book) that reside on the mobile phone. Based on the evolution of new technologies like 2G, 3G, 4G etc. in telecommunication systems, several functions of other devices like Camera (taking pictures), Video Recorder (taking videos),…

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Open Source Testing Software List

Open Source Software Testing Tools List: There are several OPEN SOURCE TESTING TOOLS available and we have mentioned only the extensively used tools mentioned by Gartner i.e. Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Integrated Software Quality Suites published on 11th July 2013 (www.gartner.com). To get more details about the product, follow the respective links mentioned alongside each…

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